a very large liminal event environment
and multi-genre Faire

A Most Unique Event

Last updated: March 29, 2025
Now with: AIRSHIP PIRATE GUEST OF HONOR: Captain Robert Brown of Abney Park!

Our event begins at 3 p.m. on Friday, May 2nd and runs until midnight. We run from ten a.m. to midnight on Saturday, and ten a.m. to 6 p.m. on Sunday.

Because people keep asking, here is a slightly-messy, ever-increasing list of ALL of performers and programs.

We feature, let’s see… Steampunk music, Renaissance Faire performers, Magicians, Fire-Breathers, Dancers, Witches, Games, Live Concerts, Goth Nights, Steampunk Balls, hundreds of vendors, Victorian-inspired tea parties, Knights, Wizards, Actors, even more Live Concerts, Panels, Discussions, Famed Guests…

and so, so, so much more!

Vendor applications: Here!


http://ALL TICKETS 75% OFF WITH CODE “madnessflashsale”! GET YOURS TODAY! wonderplacealpha.com/tickets-sponsorships/.wonderplacealpha.com/tickets-sponsorships/.

Welcome, dear denizens of the multiverse, to Wonderplace Alpha – where the fabric of reality is less a fabric and more like a mad quilt stitched together by a time-drunk seamstress.

Here, you’ll find yourself mingling with cybernetic knights from the Binary Age, sipping on temporal tea with Victorian time travelers, and perhaps, if you’re not careful, accidentally starting an intergalactic empire over a game of interdimensional Go.

This isn’t merely an event; it’s a muti-genre liminal space where your wildest fancies come to play, where the rules of physics are more like suggestions, and where Halloween is a perpetual state of existence.

So, step through the portal, leave your mundane at the door, and prepare for a weekend of mad volunteerism, quiet contemplation, and the occasional reality glitch.

Welcome to Wonderplace Alpha – where the only thing more infinite than the possibilities is the fun, the madness, and the tendency to overuse words like “fun” and “madness”.

Wonderplace Alpha is a liminal event environment, one where travelers from all over space and time mix in conversation, combat, empire-building, mad volunteerism, solo adventure, quiet contemplation, relaxation, Cyberpunk explorations, Renaissance Faire strolls, Steampunk irrepressibility, and Halloween all the time. It’s a market, a game space, a place to visit for a day or become immersed for a weekend in a gorgeous indoor/outdoor venue.

perhaps living, perhaps just a machine

We Make The Unreal A Lot More Fun

We’re not as big as the big, really fancy Renaissance Faires, and not as specialized as a science fiction convention. What we are is people who absolutely love imaginary worlds (are they really imaginary if they mean this much to us?) of every shape and size. And we’d love to share that with you. Come with us on our journey into the strangest and most unusual places we can build together!

-The wonderPLACE alpha team

Come to our beautiful venue in the similarly gorgeous Lake George! Enjoy great food and lovely surroundings, with your professional and helpful hosts: 

The Barn At French Mountain

The Barn At French Mountain, outside view

5 Mill Rd, Lake George, NY 12845

A Faire That Blends Multiple Universes Into One Weekend Event

Why should a show’s flavor be stuck with the Renaissance, or Steampunk, or the Post-Apocalypse? Why choose? 

We want more, and we’d love to have you with us as we bring it to the world!

Here’s a bit more about our liminal environment.

Interactivity, Roleplay, Games and Fun

There’s so much to do! All manner of games, explorations, hangouts, theatricals, inventions… and that’s just a start. Want to play a role, bring or find your tribe, play games, be in character? You’re welcome to be part of our interactive Universe!

Of course it’s not a game. It’s just a more interesting reality.

Market and Merchants

Visit our Halloween In May Goblin/Vendor/Oddities Market! Come buy your wildest dreams and meet amazing craftspeople and creators!

Vendors! Come join us for a show that really welcomes all manner of artists, creators, and makers!

Vendor information and app here.

Seeking: Sponsors, Vendors, Performers

Want to sponsor one of the most unique events of 2025?

Contact us today to learn about opportunities!

We’re always seeking volunteers to join our mad, mad, mad little World. Be part of the show! Contact us to apply!

(Because of the nature of the show, we accept apps from pretty much ALL genres!)

Shows, Performances and Activities

Carnival games! Magic! Excitement! Fireplay!

Plus…there’s YOU! While there are lots of immersive aspect of our event, all are welcome to come by and enjoy; you don’t need a character or a costume. By the same token, Want to play a role, bring or find your tribe, play games, be in character? You’re welcome to be part of our interactive Universe!

And There’s More Coming

Wonderland Alpha is prepping for its first year. We’re assembling an array of enjoyments and fascinations for your joy and edification.

Stop by often to find out what’s going on! And join our mailing list or find us on social to stay in touch!

a very large liminal event environment
and multi-genre Faire

A Most Unique Event

Last updated: March 29, 2025
Now with: AIRSHIP PIRATE GUEST OF HONOR: Captain Robert Brown of Abney Park!

Our event begins at 3 p.m. on Friday, May 2nd and runs until midnight. We run from ten a.m. to midnight on Saturday, and ten a.m. to 6 p.m. on Sunday.

Because people keep asking, here is a slightly-messy, ever-increasing list of ALL of performers and programs.

We feature, let’s see… Steampunk music, Renaissance Faire performers, Magicians, Fire-Breathers, Dancers, Witches, Games, Live Concerts, Goth Nights, Steampunk Balls, hundreds of vendors, Victorian-inspired tea parties, Knights, Wizards, Actors, even more Live Concerts, Panels, Discussions, Famed Guests…

and so, so, so much more!

Vendor applications: Here!


http://ALL TICKETS 75% OFF WITH CODE “madnessflashsale”! GET YOURS TODAY! wonderplacealpha.com/tickets-sponsorships/.wonderplacealpha.com/tickets-sponsorships/.

Welcome, dear denizens of the multiverse, to Wonderplace Alpha – where the fabric of reality is less a fabric and more like a mad quilt stitched together by a time-drunk seamstress.

Here, you’ll find yourself mingling with cybernetic knights from the Binary Age, sipping on temporal tea with Victorian time travelers, and perhaps, if you’re not careful, accidentally starting an intergalactic empire over a game of interdimensional Go.

This isn’t merely an event; it’s a muti-genre liminal space where your wildest fancies come to play, where the rules of physics are more like suggestions, and where Halloween is a perpetual state of existence.

So, step through the portal, leave your mundane at the door, and prepare for a weekend of mad volunteerism, quiet contemplation, and the occasional reality glitch.

Welcome to Wonderplace Alpha – where the only thing more infinite than the possibilities is the fun, the madness, and the tendency to overuse words like “fun” and “madness”.

Wonderplace Alpha is a liminal event environment, one where travelers from all over space and time mix in conversation, combat, empire-building, mad volunteerism, solo adventure, quiet contemplation, relaxation, Cyberpunk explorations, Renaissance Faire strolls, Steampunk irrepressibility, and Halloween all the time. It’s a market, a game space, a place to visit for a day or become immersed for a weekend in a gorgeous indoor/outdoor venue.

perhaps living, perhaps just a machine

We Make The Unreal A Lot More Fun

We’re not as big as the big, really fancy Renaissance Faires, and not as specialized as a science fiction convention. What we are is people who absolutely love imaginary worlds (are they really imaginary if they mean this much to us?) of every shape and size. And we’d love to share that with you. Come with us on our journey into the strangest and most unusual places we can build together!

-The wonderPLACE alpha team

Come to our beautiful venue in the similarly gorgeous Lake George! Enjoy great food and lovely surroundings, with your professional and helpful hosts: 

The Barn At French Mountain

The Barn At French Mountain, outside view

5 Mill Rd, Lake George, NY 12845

A Faire That Blends Multiple Universes Into One Weekend Event

Why should a show’s flavor be stuck with the Renaissance, or Steampunk, or the Post-Apocalypse? Why choose? 

We want more, and we’d love to have you with us as we bring it to the world!

Here’s a bit more about our liminal environment.

Interactivity, Roleplay, Games and Fun

There’s so much to do! All manner of games, explorations, hangouts, theatricals, inventions… and that’s just a start. Want to play a role, bring or find your tribe, play games, be in character? You’re welcome to be part of our interactive Universe!

Of course it’s not a game. It’s just a more interesting reality.

Market and Merchants

Visit our Halloween In May Goblin/Vendor/Oddities Market! Come buy your wildest dreams and meet amazing craftspeople and creators!

Vendors! Come join us for a show that really welcomes all manner of artists, creators, and makers!

Vendor information and app here.

Seeking: Sponsors, Vendors, Performers

Want to sponsor one of the most unique events of 2025?

Contact us today to learn about opportunities!

We’re always seeking volunteers to join our mad, mad, mad little World. Be part of the show! Contact us to apply!

(Because of the nature of the show, we accept apps from pretty much ALL genres!)

Shows, Performances and Activities

Carnival games! Magic! Excitement! Fireplay!

Plus…there’s YOU! While there are lots of immersive aspect of our event, all are welcome to come by and enjoy; you don’t need a character or a costume. By the same token, Want to play a role, bring or find your tribe, play games, be in character? You’re welcome to be part of our interactive Universe!

And There’s More Coming

Wonderland Alpha is prepping for its first year. We’re assembling an array of enjoyments and fascinations for your joy and edification.

Stop by often to find out what’s going on! And join our mailing list or find us on social to stay in touch!