The Zombie Invasion

“I like my zombies slow and I like my zombies stupid.”

~Seth Grahame-Smith, “Pride and Prejudice and Zombies”

It’s almost certainly not fatal to RSVP for this event on Facebook, if you’re on Facebook.

And then it’s Saturday afternoon and time for the Zombie Invasion! If you wish to hang about our Wasteland area, our Zombies will be emerging from Darkling and entering the Wasteland.

Our Zombies are members of the cast. They are not likely to actually eat your brains, smart though you are. They will, instead, most likely offer you a sticker to turn you from (whatever you currently are now) to (a zombie version thereof).

They’ll be stumbling/shambling your way with only one thought: time to eat your brains!

…give you stickers.

Time to give you stickers!

You’re welcome to run from them, interact with them, take pictures with them, invite them to your parties…hey, they’re not OUR zombies. We don’t own them or anything.

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