Wonderplace Alpha is a liminal environment, one where travelers from all over space and time mix in all manner of ways.
Category: Marketplace
At its core, Wonderplace Alpha’s ostensible purpose is as a marketplace, and the gathering which has sprung up about it is entirely coincidental…of course.
“Carcharadon carcharias. Six thousand pounds of muscle powering a hoop of butcher’s knives. The only animal that ate its weaker siblings in the womb. Immune from cancer. Constantly awake.” ― Mark Haddon
“It’s art, man. Who put vodka in your cornflakes?” ― Puck
Funky Sharky is a Founding Creator. We’ll write a great deal more about her soon.
Yes! Arguably the greatest portable custom-pizza stall in the known Galaxy comes to Wonderplace Alpha to fill our hearts with good cheer and our stomachs with good pizza.
“Pizza makes me think that anything is possible.” -Henry Rollins
Disclaimer: Our entire team is addicted to these pizzas.
I mean REALLY addicted to these pizzas. We’re not trying to convince you because we like these people (we do) or we want them to succeed (we do, but we also want you to be happy with the food you acquire.) We REALLY love these pizzas. They really are individually, personally, quite specifically handcrafted—right in front of you, in fact, if you happen to want to watch. Otherwise, you place your order, and in ten to fifteen agonizing minutes, you get true oven-cooked artisanal pizza to which the term ‘pie’ has never felt so appropriate.
We lived off these pizzas for a good part of our October show (the food at Blackthorne is wonderful, but we were doing a LOT of running around) and in some ways, between the two, it was culinarily our best show ever.
A Random Note On Pizza & Dungeons & Dragons
There is a certain debate as to whether or not pizza is appropriate in Dungeons and Dragons. We say the following:
Very few dungeons will let you order pizza.
Very few dungeons will let the guards order pizza, as this is the #4 way that guards get knocked out and have their keys stolen.
There ARE dungeons large enough to house Dragons.
But most Dragons prefer huge caverns filled with gold, or aeries maintained by nearly-vanished ancient sorcerers, or rent-fixed penthouses on the Upper West Side.
So: Results are inconclusive, but as none of us appear to be Dragons, and our Dungeon is currently making us a fortune in the “themed” section of AirBnB, we figure: Eat all the pizza you want!
“Unless you are a pizza, the answer is yes, I can live without you.” – Bill Murray
The Backyard Wood-Fired Pizza Team are Founding Creators. As culinary experts, they’re in the Marketplace. Probably. There may be a bidding war over their locations. I mean, you can steal our gold, warp our spells, beat our sports teams, change the fonts on our laptops…but if you mess with our pizza, WATCH OUT.
Wasteland. Pawprints From The Heart doesn’t merely defy description; she takes description, strangles it to death, then harvests its bones in an ethical fashion. She could be Darkling for her dolls alone, or Albion for her Steampunk terns. We placed her with the Wasteland because we wanted you to be at least reasonably prepared for her to alter your reality tunnels with her brain-bending work.
Meredith is the Wise Woman of the Wastes. Her intimate knowledge of art, craft, and Necromancy is much sought-after. (However, please be courteous, and while you are not obligated to purchase anything, please don’t let your inquiries get in the way of others purchasing from her or viewing her wares. She has quite a lot of uses for ethically-sourced bones, you know.
Meredith’s scrolls relate to a variety of subject. Her role in the Story is variegated and exciting.
The unexpected. Pet portraits, fiber art, acrylic paintings, primitive crafts, natural bone art and some Steampunk, as well.