Category: Uncategorized

  • Exploring Steampunk Solutions: Can the Past Inspire Our Future?

    Exploring Steampunk Solutions: Can the Past Inspire Our Future?

    To delve into whether the ethos, aesthetics, and imagined technologies of Steampunk could offer insights or solutions for today’s challenges, sparking innovation through a mix of nostalgia and speculation. Read more

  • Cardinal Connections With Jess

    Cardinal Connections With Jess

    “Divination is the art of seeing what is not apparent to the naked eye.” – Paracelsus Visit Cardinal Connections With Jess at Wonderplace Alpha for an experience in understanding. Jess, with her background in intuitive arts and spiritual exploration, offers a sanctuary for those seeking to deepen their connection with themselves and the cosmos. Through… Read more

  • Multi-Genre Festivals For Fun and Profit

    A Multi-Genre Festival Tailored for the Unconventional: Wonderplace Alpha. Wonderplace Alpha transcends* the typical festival experience by blending an array of genres into a harmonious celebration of the weird, the nerdy, and the alternative. Here’s how the multi-genre festival aspect of this event makes it a haven for those who thrive on the fringes: A… Read more

  • The Oddities Show and Tell

    The Oddities Show and Tell

    Come bring and/or enjoy all of the marvels of strangeness! Read more

  • Mr. Fang & The Fangtones: Headlining High-Octane Rock From The Undead Planet

    Mr. Fang & The Fangtones: Headlining High-Octane Rock From The Undead Planet

    The true origin of Mr. Fang and the Fangtones is, like the darkling undead horror planet whence they come, is shrouded in darkness and mystery. We can’t tell you precisely, for none but they know, and they tell no-one. Except for those who listen to their lyrics, of course. But to our understanding, The Undead… Read more

  • Our Liminal Environment

    Our Liminal Environment

    How does this show work, in simple, straight-up practical terms? Here: The majority of our target audience tend to enjoy Renaissance Faires; the rest, otherwise, enjoy things like The Rocky Horror Picture Show, or close-knit scifi conventions, or sometimes gatherings of alternative music, non-mainstream spirituality*, or other places where people are free to, and generally… Read more

  • Founding Creator Meredith Foster

    Founding Creator Meredith Foster

    Meredith’s aspect of the Creative Fire, like all aspects of that Fire, can’t be codified precisely in words. (And if you try to capture an artist that way, you’ll find the art squeezing away between your fingers. Read more

  • The Renaissance Faires of Earth

    The Renaissance Faires of Earth

    Beings throughout the known Universe All of us here love Renaissance Faires and other places where the ordinary, everyday World gets to be part of a larger, more imaginative World, of greater possibilities! Now, most Renaissance Faires have modern conveniences, accepted credit cards, and don’t tend to need to have the citizens rise up and… Read more

  • Programming & Pleasures

    Programming & Pleasures

    The first and simplest pleasure is just strolling the Faire. Some of the enjoyment is in participating, if you choose; you get more out of your experience the more you put into it. We’ll have shows in the evenings and performances through the day. You’ll have the chance to meet our Cast and interact with… Read more

  • Game Mechanics

    Game Mechanics

    In most lands, arguments in Wonderplace Alpha are resolved by swordfighting to the death*. However, Earth, being backward in this as in so many things, frowns upon this practice. Now, there aren’t a lot of arguments or ‘challenges’ that need to happen in Wonderplace Alpha. Many–most, perhaps–enjoy the entire weekend without participating in the story… Read more