Our Liminal Environment

If you’re wondering why this is being written out-of-character, don’t. None of this site is out of character because all of this is real, of course, and I’m simply the creative director for an event company essentially run by drunken mystical creatures.

How does this show work, in simple, straight-up practical terms? Here:

The majority of our target audience tend to enjoy Renaissance Faires; the rest, otherwise, enjoy things like The Rocky Horror Picture Show, or close-knit scifi conventions, or sometimes gatherings of alternative music, non-mainstream spirituality*, or other places where people are free to, and generally prefer to, dress and act differently from in the rest of the world.

We use Renaissance Faires as our model because the people who create Wonderplace Alpha are the ones who see a Faire and see the excuse to dress as King Arthur’s Pirate Daughter not as silly, but as a more worthwhile and interesting way to spend a weekend than most things people would consider far more normal.

And at heart, what we are building is a lovely Marketplace of wondrous things, surrounded by a weekend of entering Otherspace with the rest of us.

We’re in our first year. We don’t have, and aren’t going to promise, special effects. And we’ve seen big events which make an epic saga their primary goal. It’s amazing. They’re terribly clever. We mostly know how to throw huge rumbistifications with amazing entertainment and wonderful parties; that’s our epic Saturday night.

Feel free to pop around this site for advice on what you might enjoy creating or doing for your garb, your preparations, your plans, your character or lore if you want them, your merchant booth or sponsorship participation if you want them.

We will try to attract, select, and offer you the most hypnotic actors, the most diverting merchants, the most enthralling dancers, the most bombastic rock and roll!

And most of all, we offer you a weekend to get, not away from it all, but TO it all.

The other “it” – the Universe right there underneath the boring everyday world, waiting for us to put on our raiment, make our plans, peel it back and dive in.

Let’s go! Let’s go!


* Have you hugged a Druid lately?