“The wind outside nested in each tree, prowled the sidewalks in invisible treads like unseen cats. Tom Skelton shivered. Anyone could see that the wind was a special wind this night, and the darkness took on a special feel because it was All Hallows’ Eve. Everything seemed cut from soft black velvet or gold or orange velvet. Smoke panted up out of a thousand chimneys like the plumes of funeral parades. From kitchen windows drifted two pumpkin smells: gourds being cut, pies being baked.”
-Ray Bradbury
Our Halloween evening unfolds like this:
First, we activate our Time Distortion Device so that it becomes October 31st. Admittedly, the device is from 1972 and runs on two D-volt batteries. So it has an effective range of, oh, say about seven acres.
Now, it’s not requisite that you wear costumes, demand sweets, or visit a haunted house and marry a ghost.
But you certainly can if you want to.
And there’s more…
Costumes: The night is a costume extravaganza where attendees are encouraged to don costumes from any era or genre, reflecting the venue’s theme of timeless and timelessness. Whether you’re a cyberpunk knight, a Victorian time traveler, or a Renaissance Faire jester, there’s a place for you here. The atmosphere is filled with characters from various worlds, making it a visual feast of creativity and imagination. (Please do keep the feast ‘visual’ and do not eat anyone’s costume, even if it’s Chiquita Banana.)
Trick or Treating: Wonderplace Alpha transforms into a labyrinthine wonderland of trick-or-treating! Mostly because we really love candy. The event features a special Halloween In May Goblin/Vendor/Oddities Market where vendors offer not just regular treats but also magical trinkets and oddities. (They really are ‘trinkets’ – please do not be upset if they are not solid gold, even if you are a leprechaun.) These vendors, along with roaming characters, distribute candy and other surprises, making every corner of the venue a potential spot for treats or tricks.
Magic: Magic is in the air, quite literally. Magic shows, street performers, and even the environment itself contribute to the magical aura. You might encounter a fire player casting spells with flames, magicians performing close-up magic, or even participate in carnival games that have an element of enchantment. The whole setting is designed to blur the lines between reality and fantasy, where every turn could lead to a magical performance or an unexpected surprise.
Fun: The fun at Wonderplace Alpha’s Darkling Halloween is multifaceted. There are interactive games, live performances, and a chance to engage in empire-building or combat scenarios if you’re in the mood for some role-playing. The event includes a mix of solo adventures or group escapades, where you can engage in quiet contemplation or join in the lively interactions. There are also areas for relaxation, allowing you to enjoy the spectacle or even participate in Cyberpunk explorations or Steampunk adventures.
The entire evening is designed as a perpetual Halloween celebration, where the night never truly ends, and the magic of Halloween is felt at every moment. It’s a place where the rules of physics are more like suggestions, and the joy of Halloween is not just in the scares but in the boundless creativity and communal experience of everyone involved.